No need to fly far
Start your mission here


No need to fly far, Start your mission here

Have you ever been motivated and eager to follow God’s teaching and fulfill his Great Commission? Are you worrying that you do not have time to travel for mission? Are you worrying for the travel expenses for mission? I invite you to do local missions with us in the cities you work and live with very flexible schedules in the mist of your professional schedules and daily life. By God’s love, reach out to help peoples of all ethnicities such as the students from low-income families, the seniors in assistant living facilities, the people in need of food, etc. Come! Witness God’s miracles and mighty work, Experience his faithfulness of his promises, and Testify God’s love flowing in this place. Please take some time to watch our testimony: 

Welcome to follow us at Social Medias:

Love Seniors

We are providing community service at four assistant living senior centers in  San Jose, West San Jose, and Hayward. Let’s bring God’s hope, joy, and love to the seniors and lead them to Christ!

1. Individual Visit (1-to-1 visit): 1 or 2 people adopt 1 or 2 seniors and visit 1 hour, every other week. Establish a personal connection by talking, listening, and praying with the senior and give emotional and spiritual support.

2. Group Visit: Groups of 3 or more (no more than 12) can plan programs that first share the gospel through music, testimony, dance, and all sorts of inspiring, cheerful and creative performance and then have interactions with them and pray for them. Bless them to receive God’s love, hope and peace.

3. Small group bible study: Groups of 1~4 to lead worships, read and share bible passages, and pray with the seniors. Encourage them to trust in the Lord, and be joyful.

prayer tent

Prayer Tent

Have you ever worry how to share gospels to non-believers, and where to find these people? Have you ever find ourselves embarrassed to pass on gospel fryers to people in front of a supermarket? Do you know that there are almost 3,497 families coming to the River of Life Foundation Food Pantry Center to receive food each week at the River of Life Christian church? Most of these drivers are non-believers, never attend Sunday Service at a church, nor been prayed for. We have set up a Prayer Tent near the River of Life Foundation Food Pantry Center from 2pm to 4pm every Friday afternoon with the intention to bless those who come to pick up food and pray for their needs. In the past weeks, many people stopped by after they picked up food. They walked in to our tent asking for a prayer, or stopped on the side asking for a drive-through prayer. Every Friday there are hundreds of cars, potentially mostly non-believers, proactively step into River of Life Christian Church for their physical needs, we could easily reach out to them and bless their spiritual needs, encourage them, comfort them. Mission is so easy at this corner of our church! Loving people is so simple when you come and reach out your hands to bless them after church on Sunday! Come! I sincerely invite you!

Tutoring Kids

Do you know that you could share Gospel through your academic expertise? Are you good at math? Are you good at reading or writing in English? There is a volunteer online tutoring opportunity for you.

Each tutor will be paired up with a tutee (ranging from elementary to high school age). Tutoring is weekly basis for an hour with one student from a low-income family who wants their child to gain extra helps in reading, writing, and/or math. For low-income families, this tutoring could be their first opportunity and hope to advance to higher education for their children. Through this academic tutoring, you’re also bringing friendship, giving emotional support to increase their self-esteem, helping them thrive, and share Gospel via your love and cares. 

This is a good chance to do local mission to demonstrate Christ’s love to the kids and to bring transformation to their families!

For questions regarding our tutoring program, please email:


Need A Tutor?

Does your child need help with math, reading, or writing? We have a free tutoring program for your child if you are a low in-come family.

This program provides free one-on-one online tutoring sessions for children from elementary to high school. Each tutor from River of Life Christian Church (ROLCC) will be assigned to a student. The tutoring will be online and is one hour every week. The assigned tutor will work with you to set up exact weekly lesson schedule with your child.

Please fill out the form below if you are interested and a coworker from ROLCC will contact you. Thank you!

Cultivate Next Generation Leaders – ROLCC Boy Scouts

ROLCC Troop 489 Brief

BSA Troop489 is chartered under River Life of Chinese Church (Santa Clara) in Northern California and is staffed by experienced adult leaders to help Scouts develop and teach outdoor skills and knowledge.

Troop 489 organizes a variety of activities every year, i.e. outdoor activities such as camping, climbing, cycling, kayaking, etc., as well as indoor activities such as indoor rock climbing and bowling.  Troop also plans a community service every quarter to cultivate the concept of Scouting service to the community. Besides, scouts will participate in Scout-O-Roma event to promote scouting, BSA summer camp, popcorn fundraising, and Scout for food activities every year. All these activities are planned and executed by the Scouts, who meet and discuss, and elect leaders. These activities help Scouts develop character, citizenship training, social skills, group adaption and leadership development! Adults mainly provide assistance related to the event and ensure the safety of the event.

Participating in Scouting activities provides parents with their teenage children to have fun, learn together, grow together, and create many wonderful memories together!   Welcome to join River of Life Chinese Church Troop 489!

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