Child or staff has one or more COVID-19 symptoms, regardless of vaccination status
- Send the child/staff home and recommend a COVID test immediately.
- Tell program administrator and COVID-19 Designee, if you have one.
- Program stays open while awaiting test results.
- If child/staff is not tested, instruct to isolate for 10 days. No test/note to return to school.
Child or staff is a Close Contact* of someone who tested positive
for COVID-19
- Consult 2021-2022 CHILDCARE Test Result Decision Tree for guidance; give testing and quarantine instructions accordingly.
- If symptomatic, test immediately and repeat test on/after Day 5 after exposure.
- Recommend all others test immediately & on/after Day 5 after last exposure to case.
- Request that test results be reported to the program ASAP.
- Tell program administrator and COVID-19 Designee, if you have one.
- Program stays open.
- Send relevant notification letters.
A child or staff member, regardless of vaccination status, tests positive for COVID-19 in a non-cohort setting (ROLCC’s classification)
- NON-COHORT – Group stays open
- Case: Send home with instructions to isolate.
- Contact:Use attendance list/roster & staff/child input to identify close contacts and send them home. Then follow SCENARIO 2