馬太福音 2022 鄭春煥 牧師 和 劉詩序 傳道
馬太福音 2022 鄭春煥 牧師 和 劉詩序 傳道 Read More »
Child or staff has one or more COVID-19 symptoms, regardless of vaccination status
Child or staff is a Close Contact* of someone who tested positive
for COVID-19
A child or staff member, regardless of vaccination status, tests positive for COVID-19 in a non-cohort setting (ROLCC’s classification)
California School Protocol Read More »
January 14, 2022
A) Face Coverings:
1) Outdoors: Not required. It is recommended to wear a facemask if there is no social distancing.
2) Indoors and in vehicles with others: Must wear a facemask unless you are in a private office alone, regardless of your vaccination status. If an unvaccinated staff wears a fabric facemask, he/she must wear two layers of a facemask. Operations Department will provide surgical facemasks and respirators (N-95) to staff upon request.
B) Social Distancing, Barrier, and Eating/Drinking
Not required of social distancing and barriers indoors regardless of vaccination status, unless there is an outbreak (3 COVID cases within 14 days). An unvaccinated staff must not eat or drink in the kitchen but can eat or drink at your own cubicle or office if you are at least 6 feet apart from others. If an unvaccinated staff wishes to eat with coworkers outdoors, you should still keep at least 6 feet distance.
C) Check-In and Temperature Screening:
Continue checking in with the cell phone and have a temperature screening when entering the office.
D) COVID Symptoms:
If you or a family member has any symptoms associated with COVID, you must report to your supervisor immediately and have a self-quarantine for 10 days. Alternatively, you may return if you have a negative test result 7 or more days as required by the law. Please let your supervisor and Human Resources know your COVID test result before returning to work.
E) Positive Test:
If you have the positive test result, you must notify your supervisor immediately. We must report any COVID cases within 24 hours to the County if the infected person (including employee, contractor, and volunteer) was at our facility within 48 hours before the symptoms began. We also must be notified OSHA if you are hospitalized since we are required to report any serious illness. We will have a licensed professional to sanitize and deep clean any exposed area. An infected person may return to the church campus after 10 days of isolation from the date his/her symptoms began and 24 hours with no fever and any other symptoms have improved.
F) Close Contact:
Close contact is defined as someone who was within six feet of the infected person for a cumulative 15 minutes or more within 24 hours during two days before and 10 days after the infected person’s symptoms began.
If you are in close contact with the infected person, you must have a 10-days quarantine even without any symptoms. While returning, you must wear a face covering and maintain six feet of distance from others for 14 days. For a fully vaccinated staff without any symptoms, you do not need to be quarantined, but to wear a face covering and maintain six feet of distance from others for 14 days.
G) Cleaning and Disinfecting: Operations Department has been performing routinely cleaning and disinfecting all high-touch areas, following CDC guidelines.
Please contact Human Resources (, (510) 440-9833, if you have any questions. F) Free COVID Test Sites: https://scl.fulgentgenetics.com/appointment/screen/landing, and https://curative.com/
River of Life Christian Church COVID Prevention Guidelines for Staff Read More »
Source (CDC), 1/6/2022:
Source (Santa Clara), 1/3/2022
Child/student or staff has one or more COVID-19 symptoms, regardless of vaccination status
Child/student or staff is a Close Contact* of someone who tested positive for COVID-19
Child/student or staff member, regardless of vaccination status, tests positive for COVID-19 in a non-cohort setting (ROLCC’s classification)
Search for free vaccination sites near you:
Vaccines.gov – Search for COVID-19 vaccine locations
Search for free Covid test sites near you:
FREE COVID-19 Testing Sites – Emergency Operations Center – County of Santa Clara (sccgov.org)
ROLCC Guideline – Children and or Youth Ministry related Read More »
Source (CDC), 1/4/2022:
Source (Santa Clara), 1/3/2022
What is considered “Close Contact”?
If you
If you
Search for free vaccination sites near you:
Vaccines.gov – Search for COVID-19 vaccine locations
Search for free Covid test sites near you:
FREE COVID-19 Testing Sites – Emergency Operations Center – County of Santa Clara (sccgov.org)
ROLCC Guideline – What to Do When You Have Close Contact with Someone who has Covid-19? Read More »
Jan. 6, 2022
River of Life likes to provide additional ROLCC-specific guidelines for recommended actions and clarifications to COVID related questions.
The Big Picture: we are entering a very important phase of this Covid pandemic. Omicron is highly transmissible but also less virulent (than Delta and previous variants). Many medical professionals believe that this variant could increase immunity in the community.
At the Personal Level: we need everyone to work together. This includes remaining vigilant at protecting our health, adhering to the public health guidelines for our community (and for the brave health professionals); and most of all, doing all of the above with a loving heart towards one another as brothers and sisters in Christ.
If you are attending our Sunday services in person (not serving in any capacity), please observe the following guidelines:
If you serve in the children and/or the youth ministry, please observe the following guidelines:
If you are staff and or volunteers who serve in the Mandarin or New Wave Sunday services, please observe the following guidelines (in accordance with the OSHA guidelines):
Other Useful Resources and References
Search for free vaccination sites near you:
Vaccines.gov – Search for COVID-19 vaccine locations
Search for free Covid test sites near you:
FREE COVID-19 Testing Sites – Emergency Operations Center – County of Santa Clara (sccgov.org)
ROLCC Guidelines: How to Response To the Omicron Surge? Read More »