
ROLCC Guideline – What to Do When You Have Close Contact with Someone who has Covid-19?

Source (CDC), 1/4/2022:


Source (Santa Clara), 1/3/2022


What is considered “Close Contact”?

  • Someone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period.

If you

  • Have been boosted, or
  • Gotten 2 shots of Pfizer or Moderna within the last 6 months
  • Gotten J&J within the last 2 months
  • Wear a mask around people for 10 days
  • Get tested on day 5, if possible
  • If you have symptoms, get tested and stay home; Follow the instruction of the medical professional

If you 

  • Are not vaccinated, or
  • Gotten 2 shots of Pfizer or Moderna more than 6 months ago and are not boosted, or
  • Gotten J&J within more than 2 months ago and are not boosted
  • Stay home for 5 days; Wear a mask around people for additional 5 days
  • Get tested on day 5
  • If you have symptoms, get tested and stay home; Follow the instruction of the medical professional

Search for free vaccination sites near you:

Vaccines.gov – Search for COVID-19 vaccine locations

Search for free Covid test sites near you:

FREE COVID-19 Testing Sites – Emergency Operations Center – County of Santa Clara (sccgov.org)

ROLCC Guideline – What to Do When You Have Close Contact with Someone who has Covid-19? Read More »

ROLCC Guidelines: How to Response To the Omicron Surge?

Jan. 6, 2022

River of Life likes to provide additional ROLCC-specific guidelines for recommended actions and clarifications to COVID related questions. 

The Big Picture: we are entering a very important phase of this Covid pandemic. Omicron is highly transmissible but also less virulent (than Delta and previous variants). Many medical professionals believe that this variant could increase immunity in the community. 

At the Personal Level: we need everyone to work together. This includes remaining vigilant at protecting our health, adhering to the public health guidelines for our community (and for the brave health professionals); and most of all, doing all of the above with a loving heart towards one another as brothers and sisters in Christ. 

If you are attending our Sunday services in person (not serving in any capacity), please observe the following guidelines:

  • If you are feeling sick, please stay home and get tested. Here is a list of Covid symptoms for your reference (Covid Symptoms by CDC)
  • Wear quality fitting masks at all times when you are on church property; no food/drink unless in designated open/outdoors areas with social distance
  • Per COVID-19 vaccine protocols established by the state and county departments of public health, please refer to its protocol for your age group and health condition.
  • Frequent test for COVID exposure and keep others in your close contact group updated if tested positive
  • In case of exposure, please follow public health guidelines for quarantine and/or isolation, and adhere to the updated ROLCC Exposure and Quarantine Guidelines
  • Most importantly, keep each other and our church in your daily prayers, as we walk and work together in the coming 4 to 6 weeks

If you serve in the children and/or the youth ministry, please observe the following guidelines: 

  • Based on inputs and directions of Santa Clara County Public Health COVID Task Force/Hotline, ROLLC organized Youth and or Children Programs are to follow CDPH K-12 Guidance, in addition, all programs we offered are considered in “Non-Cohort” setting
  • We have organized the three separate scenarios and its various responsibilities in the following document (ROLCC Guideline – Children and or Youth Ministry related)
  • With regards to COVID tests and it related decisions, please refer to the following decision tree from Santa Clara County Public Health (view the decision tree)
  • Please be advised the newest update from CDC, Guidance for COVID-19 Prevention in K-12 Schools (1/6/2022) has brought the isolation and quarantine recommendations in line with general public guidance that was revised on 1/4/2022 

If you are staff and or volunteers who serve in the Mandarin or New Wave Sunday services, please observe the following guidelines (in accordance with the OSHA guidelines): 

  • Volunteers in the Mandarin and New Wave Sunday services are treated as staff in accordance with OSHA guideline
  • If you or a member of your household experiences any COVID symptoms, or if you are in close contact (defined below) with an infected individual(s), you must go home immediately or stay home. You must notify your supervisor and/or team lead, and supervisors/team leads shall be responsible for informing HR (Savina and Regina, ) as soon as possible.
  • The definition of close contact is someone who was within six feet of the infected person for a cumulative 15 minutes or more within 24 hours during two days before and 10 days after the infected person’s symptoms began.
  • HR shall inform other staff of possible exposure without providing identifying information about the individual(s) who may have been exposed.  HR will also provide you with the guidelines for returning to work.
  • Please refer to the full guideline here by HR (ROLCC COVID Guidelines for Staffs)
  • Please find the link for symptom check (source: CDC website)

Other Useful Resources and References

Search for free vaccination sites near you:

Vaccines.gov – Search for COVID-19 vaccine locations

Search for free Covid test sites near you:

FREE COVID-19 Testing Sites – Emergency Operations Center – County of Santa Clara (sccgov.org)

If you have any questions, please email the church office:

ROLCC Guidelines: How to Response To the Omicron Surge? Read More »

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