
簡訊奉獻 for app


How to Offer through Texting

使用手機 text 以下號碼

例如: 100 General

(奉獻 $100 到 General Fund)

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COVID-19 Update 03-12-2020

On 3/11, in fighting the spread of Coronavirus, the White House issued a recommendation to Santa Clara County on public assembly: organizations should cancel all gatherings larger than 250 people;  Community and faith-based organizations should move gatherings of any size to video-accessible venues or postpone/cancel. 

In response and compliance, River of Life Christian Church shall implement the following measures:

  • Sunday Services
    • Starting 3/15, all Sunday services will be conducted online (no onsite gathering)
    • The Mandarin service will live stream at 11AM
    • All other worship services (English Adult, Ignite, Youth and children) will too be video-accessible
    • Access to all worship services will be available on the church website and in the ROLCC Social app
  • Prayer Meetings
    • Weekday Harps and Bowls meetings will temporarily stop
    • Wednesday night meeting will stop, with a consideration to resume in the form of live streaming (TBA)
  • Equipping Classes
    • Classes will be pre-recorded and delivered to the students
  • Small Groups
    • Pastoral zones will decide their own manner of gatherings, though we strongly recommend them to use online venues and platforms
  • Zone Retreats
    • All retreats dated before June shall be postponed or cancelled 
  • Church Office
    • Church office will remain open during the week. Pastors and staff continue to minister and work.
  • Offering
    • We encourage online and/or text offering 
    • Mailing checks continues to be an option
    • Church office remains open for those who prefer walk-in donation
  • Fasting & Prayer Campaign
    • We will conduct a Fasting and Prayer campaign via the ROLCC Social app
  • We shall maintain all of the above for 30 days. Should no additional government directive be issued during the thirty days, we tentatively set Easter Sunday (4/12) as the day of return, wherein all of us will gather in one place again to celebrate Christ’s resurrection.  

COVID-19 Update 03-12-2020 Read More »


白宮於 3/11 晚發佈最新予 Santa Clara County 防疫指示,凡過250人的公眾聚集皆應取消,並所有宗教活動都盡量轉至網上進行,生命河靈糧堂因應配合,公告執行以下措施

  • 主日崇拜
    • 3/15 周日起,全面改從網上直播
    • 中文崇拜於主日 11AM 直播
    • 英文 、青少年、兒童、Ignite 崇拜皆由網上進行
    • 教會網站 與 ROLCC Social app 屆時將列出,方便選擇
  • 禱告會
    • 琴與金香爐將暫停
    • 週三禱告會亦暫停,但將考慮直播
  • 裝備課程
    • 預先錄音,之後傳與學員
  • 小組聚會
    • 由各牧區自行決定聚會事宜,但鼓勵轉為網上聚會
  • 牧區退修會
    • 六月之前所有退修會將延期或取消
  • 教會辦公室
    • 週間教會事工與辦公室繼續運作,牧師同工們仍繼續服事
  • 奉獻
    • 鼓勵網上奉獻或簡訊奉獻
    • 亦可郵寄支票至教會
    • 週間(二至四)也可到辦公室實地奉獻
  • 禁食禱告行動
    • 將透過 ROLCC Social app 推動禁食禱告行動,同一心靈為這世代守望
  • 如此執行30天,若政府無新項指示,生命河將於復活節主日(4/12) 全面恢復現場聚會,邀請大家當天一起回教會慶祝主的復活

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  • 教會常常為著眾弟兄姊妹禱告,求父神伸出衪全能的膀臂來托住全家,求神保守你們十分平安。相信神必興起來為衪的百姓爭戰,保守我們不受病毒侵害,直到這個災病過去。
  • 繼續按照CDC與地方政府指示,除非聖塔克拉拉縣通知停止一切公衆聚集,我們教會的主日崇拜仍然持續進行
  • 若弟兄姊妹有健康或安全的考量,不方便參加主日崇拜,不需覺得虧欠,我們鼓勵仍然全家在家持續聚會,一同觀看主日崇拜的直播(每周日上午11時)- FacebookYouTube 皆可。
  • 小組聚會:可由各個牧區以及小組自行決定聚會次數或方式,同時也鼓勵改用組員已熟悉的的媒體平台來聚會 (Google Hangout, Line, Facetime, Facebook Messenger, GoToMeeting, Zoom等)。 
  • 若有需要,小組長可透過教會ROLCC Social app 提出申請用 Zoom聚會,教會同工會協助提供。
  • 牧區退修會:由各牧區自行決定,由於不同牧區的想法與需要不同,我們尊重各牧區同工們自行決定是否如期進行或延期舉辦。
  • 強力鼓勵下載教會新發展出來的手機應用程式 ROLCC Social,在這疫情發展期間,這是我們能與你保持密切溝通最有效的管道:Download Here


  • 持續每週全教會消毒清潔工作,包括所有會堂、教室、兒童教室、辦公室、廁所等。
  • 主日聚會將會堂大門持續開放,保持空氣流通。
  • 鼓勵弟兄姊妹不要坐得太集中,盡量分散入座。
  • 鼓勵大家常洗手,及避免握手(揮手點頭問安即可)。
  • 教會各教室與公共區域皆到處備有消毒洗手液。
  • 主日聚會時,鼓勵自行攜帶自用口罩,但如需要,服務台可提供以便聚會時使用。
  • 暫停傳奉獻袋,鼓勵網上、手機等多元化奉獻,亦可自行到座位走道旁的奉獻箱奉獻。
  • 要求近兩週內從中國大陸、香港、韓國、日本、新加坡、義大利、伊朗返美者,先暫留家中兩週觀察。
  • 請任何身體不適者暫留家中休養。
  • 請年長或身體長期不適者(CDC定為高風險群) 暫留家中,使用 YouTube 或 Facebook 直播聚會
  • 提供主日崇拜直播
  • 提供小組 Zoom聚會平台

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股票奉獻 for app


Stock Offering


ROLCC also accepts donation of stocks. For procedure and explanation, please download the following PDF 

To inquire about other ways to give offering, such as Bank Wire Transfer or Planned Giving, please contact:

Finance Department
Chunchun Feng
408-260-0257 x106

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支票奉獻 for app


Check Offering

By your offering, you are participating in the ministry of River of Life Christian Church. We like to thank you in advance for your giving to the Lord’s ministry.

Here are the many ways that you can participate with us:

1) Check: Please make your check payable to ROLCC, and mail toRiver of Life Christian Church
1177 Laurelwood Road
Santa Clara, CA. 95054

2) Personal Online Banking: You can offer through your personal bank’s online bill payment service. This also allows you to conveniently keep your tithe by setting up a recurring Bill Pay 

* Indicate River of Life Christian Church as your payee and specify your name as the account. Please also include your name and address, so that we could send you a tax deduction receipt at the end of the year.

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